• My Fashion

    On a Wedding Day

    And finally the first opportunity of the year to wear something special and to be more like myself, Diana….Bravely, I went shopping alone, visiting my favourite shops to find the perfect guest wedding outfit. I knew what I wanted to wear, but I didn’t know how to dress my new curvier body which had changed the size of my arms and of my waistline. So I had to adapt my choice of clothing so that I could still feel beautiful and comfortable. I didn’t care that I had to wear size 16 clothes versus size’s 12 seven months earlier as long as I looked good and stylish. So I settled…

  • Story Time

    Why Me?

    When on 21 September 2016 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I heard my own voice crying to the world, ‘why me!!’ and within seconds, my world, my life was changed. I felt lost, small, vulnerable, alone, scared and wanted to run far away from this horrible nightmare. Surely this doctor in a white coat couldn’t be right. She gave the wrong diagnostic, it certainly was a mistake. It couldn’t happen to me. After all, I breastfed my two children, had a healthy lifestyle most of my life and as there weren’t any breast cancer cases in my family’s medical history, this couldn’t be right….But sadly it was, and after shedding buckets…